New special event : Conferences day on Human Powered Aircraft.

Friday, June 01st 2018
« International conferences on Human Powered Aircraft and Vehicle » : ICHPAV

The public is invited to attend all these events free of charge.


During this day some presentations will be shown from HPA designers or team leaders (as Fred To, Alec Proufoot, Davd Reungoat and others designers… programme under construction ) who will expose all or part of the design , highlight a special scientific point or human venture.

(images : DaSH Alec Proufout; Millésime computations, Aerocycle John Edgley)

We expect to present during this day 5 to 8 presentations.
This day will be opened free of charge to every people who wishes to come (inscription require on…) and will take place in the University of Bordeaux.


Presentation could be in English or in French with some video and PowerPoint supports. Duration of presentation varies between twenty (20) and forty (40) minutes and 3 pages summary (or more). Depending on summaries and presentations a book will be published.


This congress is part of the large event: « Human Impulse Cup » that we organize from May 28th to June 3rd in the « Festival Off – Big Bang – » (supported by the University of Bordeaux, the Royal Aeronautical Society, the French Human Powered Aircraft association).


This event hope to be an international event for HPA to participate at different tasks (at Saucats /20km from Bordeaux -from 6 to 9 am).


To present their project and request information applicants are requested to provide a short summary of the project description in English, French in the « inscription » page.


To attend meetings and conferences the public is invited to attend all these events free of charge by an inscription on the « inscription » page.

Friday, June 01st, 2018
Agora – Haut Carré – Campus of Bordeaux – 48 Rue Pierre Noailles, 33400 Talence

The executive committee is composed by:

Project team leader (David/ david.reungoat[@]u-bordeaux.fr)
Congress team leader (Loïc/ loic.lavigne[@]u-bordeaux.fr)

Conferences will begin at 10 am to stop at about 12:30 am and will continue afternoon from 2 pm till 5 pm according to the participants.

The public is invited to attend free of charge the conferences. A registration (inscription) is necessary to organize the safety. We don’t need to have too personal data.

Speakers planned:

Alec Proudfoot (HPA DaSH/USA)
« What we’ve learned from building the DaSH HPA »

Mark Maughmer (HPA Zephyrus)
« Akaflieg Penn State: A Status Report (including Work on the Zephyrus HPA) »

Fred To (HPA Phoenix/UK)
« Phoenix a special HPA »

Bill Brooks (HPA Airglow – Royal Aero. Society-/UK)
« Airglow and Icarus Cup »


Peer Frank (HPA Velair/Suisse)
« Vélair : comment faire du vélo dans l‘air »

Jean-Charles Gosselin (France HPV/Fr)
« Véhicules à propulsion Humaine, histoire et records »

Barbara Buatois (recordwomen vitesse VPH/Fr)
« Barbara Buatois : la femme la plus rapide au monde à vélo »


Paolo Baldissera (Policumbent project)
« The land HPV experience of Team Policumbent and potential evolution towards HPA »

Jean-Luc Saladin (Médecine du sport chrg nvelles mobilités/Fr)
« Que nous dit le vol à propulsion humaine pour comprendre le monde actuel »

David Reungoat (HPA Millesime/Fr)
« Human Impulse : design HPA with students (HPA et démarche pédagogique) »


You wish to attend the conference or to participate as speaker. Join!


The conference will take place on the campus of Talence or Mérignac. We shall indicate you the exact place of the conference a few days before.

    Would you attend the conferences in the morning


    Would you attend the conferences in the afternoon


    Do you want to do a presentation from 20 to 40 min


    [recaptcha size:compact]

    the support of the event